In Conversation: A Listening Series on Climate Justice and Collective Liberation
5 years ago

Episode 1 - In Conversation: Queer and Trans Liberation

On our inaugural episode of In Conversation, we bring together five queer and trans climate justice organizers to talk about how struggles for queer and trans liberation connect with fights for climate justice.

From cities across the U.S. to Belgium and Botswana, we discuss how queer and trans people, particularly those of color, are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change; how personal experiences with homophobia and transphobia have impacted lives; and the ways in which systemic violence and oppression towards those who defy gender norms often leave members of queer and trans communities abandoned, homeless, and forced to survive with little to no resources or support in times of climate crisis.

With a deep understanding that it is imperative to follow the leadership of those on the front lines of climate change, we talked about visions for a movement that centers queer and trans solutions to the climate crises we face. To survive violence and neglect in society, queer and trans communities are often forced to use the little they have to adapt to their environments. Over time, they have developed interdependent ways of being, leaning on each other for the support and resources they need to live.

Read this article by this series’ hosts about the importance of listening to queer and trans wisdom in the movement.

Visit our website to learn more about the series, sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on social media @ourclimatevoices to keep up to date with release of future episodes.

A Guide to Engaging our Conversation

We can't wait for you to listen and be in community with us on the episode. To guide you in listening to the episode, here's the flow of our conversation with the featured guests:

Part 1: an Exploration of the Intersections in Collective Struggle

Zoom to 9:34 to hear our guests speak to the complexities of how colonization, capitalism, and other forms of injustice and abuse have left queer and trans communities at the forefront of envisioning climate solutions.

Part 2: an Exploration of Resistance of Erasure

Zoom to 27:46 to hear our guests speak to why queer and trans voices often aren't heard, seen, or centered in our movements. We discuss the urgent need of ensuring queer and trans struggles are part of the conversation and shape the solutions.

Part 3: an Exploration of Historical Lessons for the Now

Zoom to 49:26 to hear us discuss what our movements of today can learn from movements for queer and trans liberation in the past and present. We share lessons from movements like the Stonewall Riots that sparked the Gay Liberation movement in the 60s and 70s and honor what we can learn from leaders like Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.

Part 4: an Exploration of Healing and our Visions for the Future

Zoom to 1:06 to hear us speak to our visions for the future and bring to life the world we're fighting to create today where queer and trans communities are liberated.

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